Deathly Silence - An Approach Through White Noise

with Phonoschrank

What is silence for you?

The experience of complete silence, as we might imagine deathly silence, is not possible for us humans.

However, we can come close to this imagination.

Experience is impossible.

But, an approach is possible through meditation in white noise. White noise offers us the opportunity to hear all the frequencies that we are capable of hearing. This state allows us to access deep inner processes.

At the end of such a meditation, we perceive ourselves and our environment entirely differently.

We begin our joint noise meditation with a short lecture on listening and white noise meditation.

The subsequent white noise meditation directly leads us into a unique state deeply connected to our inner self.

In silence, we explore our environment together and individually.

In the end, there is a protected space in which we can reflect on this experience together.

Welcome to the loud silence!


Dying Allowed


Farewell and Transition Rituals