Erotic Grief Ceremony
with Peter Banki
The workshop will open with a performance by Yuki Oshida.
How can sadness and eroticism be linked? How can the energy of grief be freed? This workshop will explore the links between erotic aliveness and grief. These are two very powerful forces that make us tremble and break us open. We will connect to our ancestors and fall in each others arms. A group ritual of movement, song, and devotion.
In the words of our US American colleague Zahava Griss, whose work has inspired this workshop, the purpose is “to heal, to open our hearts, to free up energy so we love and live our purpose well”
“This is a space that honours your full expression including your grief, laughter, and sexual energy. You are welcome to move and make sounds as you let go of tension. Yes, you are welcome to experience arousal and joy. There is no “right way to grieve.” We will keep our clothes on. This is a space where you can ask for non genital touch that supports your grieving.
This is not a play party. This is not a space with a focus on sexual connection however it is an opportunity to ask for sexual touch that supports you to grieve. It is not 2 way touch, when you are grieving you are only receiving touch, not giving it back. You do not need to ask for or offer touch in order to fully participate. You can always say no to an ask. There is great power in simply witnessing without touch.
If you are supporting/witnessing someone grieving you are simply providing what is asked for to the extent that you are comfortable. You are not “fixing” or “healing” someone. You are supporting the wisdom of their body and their unique way of grieving. Your touch is not for your own arousal it is in service to what they want.”